Erotica UK 2013 at Tobacco Dock
So you’ve shed all that unwanted weight at Cyclebeat. You’ve toned up at Ten Pilates. And you met someone at Fitness Freak’s rave workout. They were covered in neon paint and sweat, you were covered in neon paint and sweat. Somehow you clicked. What comes next is a little trickier.
It has always seemed to me that London has a strange relationship with sex. Almost like it doesn’t know whether it’s coming or going. We talk about sex with some openness, but all too often with a focus on the negatives. Sexual health is hugely important, but it should not be discussed at the expense of all other facets of sexuality. You would be forgiven, growing up in London, for thinking that the skill of sex is boiled down to disease avoidance. Apparently, there’s more to it and Erotica, The Sexual Lifestyle & Wellbeing Show, is here to fill us in.
Spread over three days from 25 to 27 October, Erotica will be taking over the phenomenal exhibition space that is Tobacco Dock. Due to the nature of the space, the organisers have been able to create a ‘village’ of sorts; a safe space to discuss all aspects of sexuality. There are, of course, such stalwarts as lingerie and sex toy stalls where you can see the latest of what both industries have to offer. The ticket price, however, allows you access to a whole host of seminars, demonstrations and workshops. And that seems to me to be the main attraction.
The biggest problem with sexual education is that it is so intrinsically tied up in ego. Very few people are comfortable with a discussion that alludes to their own shortcomings in the bedroom. Erotica gives us a chance, in a communal setting, to get together and learn more about sex. For many people the last time they had a comparable opportunity it involved an awkward Year nine classroom and a middle-aged nurse putting a condom on a banana. I have a feeling this may be more constructive.
I don’t want to appear dismissive of sexual health and neither do the folks at Erotica. There will be sexual health professionals on site from John Hunter Clinic at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital providing the most cutting-edge and relevant advice. It’s an opportunity to stock up on valuable information without the crucifying experience of a clinic waiting room.
It’s not all educational. There will be live performances ranging from burlesque to theatre and several events throughout the weekend. This will give you a chance to meet and mingle with some similarly open-minded people.
All ticket information can be found on the Erotica UK website. Avoid the temptation to erase your browser history having visited it and booked your tickets. It’s not dirty. It’s just sex.
Erotica, The Sexual Lifestyle & Wellbeing Show, is on at:
Tobacco Dock
50 Porters Walk