Elemental, My Dear!
If you’re anything like me, as soon as the leaves start to fall off the trees, your skin decides to join the changing seasons and turn as crisp and dry as a perfect autumnal morning! It’s great to look out of the window and see dappled sunlight on russet and green leaves… not so great to look in the mirror and see dry chapped skin. Hope is at hand though – why not combat nature with nature, and source some nourishing products from The Body Shop?
Hands are usually the first place to show signs of a lack of moisture – after all, think of all the things we put them through! Practically everything we do involves using our hands, so isn’t it time you pampered these oft-neglected body parts? There’s a fantastic range of hand creams from The Body Shop that aims to revive your parched skin using natural goodness from such ingredients as hemp and almond. I picked up a great tip from their website too – try smothering hand cream on last thing at night then slipping on a pair of gloves! Sounds a bit strange, but apparently it helps to boost the nourishment. I’m definitely going to try that tonight!
Another dead giveaway of the change of seasons is my face! I mean, like most people I try to look after what is, after all, my most visible feature, but the commute to work and the time I spend walking in the park with my toddler means I often end up with wind-chapped cheeks and a slightly uncomfortable tight feeling. This is where Body Shop Face Scrub comes in handy! With nourishing ingredients like vitamin E and seaweed, you can be sure to find something that may help you combat that feeling of dry skin. If, like me, you’re slightly confused by your skin type then I suggest you check out The Body Shop’s Skin Diagnostic Tool on their website. By taking a few minutes to answer some simple questions, The Body Shop will provide you with product suggestions targeted towards your problem areas.
So, join me in the fight against the elements this winter and combat nature with nature by supporting The Body Shop!
[This was a sponsored, 3rd party post. Image courtesy of Cristiano Betta / Flickr ]