
Fashion Foie Gras for Coach

Last week I attended the launch event for the new collaboration between Fashion Foie Gras and Coach, who have released a tote bag together.

This is the latest in a new trend for brands to get a blogger on board, for example Susie Bubble working on Topshop Edited or Bip Ling as the face of Forever 21. I was very intrigued to see the new bag and soon realised the benefits for them of collaborating with a blogger – loads of free press! The party was packed with the biggest names on the London blogger scene, who had all turned out to support Emily, aka Fashion Foie Gras.

The recently opened New Bond Street site is Coach’s second UK store (there is one in Westfield London) and if the location and size is anything to go by, this marks the brand’s intention to break the UK market and become as big as it is in the States, where Coach is a household name. The fabulous party, with the It girl DJ (Mademoiselle Robot) and non-stop champagne and cocktails, certainly showed it means to make an impression.

As I tried to edge my way around the packed room, I ran into my fellow blogger Jamie who writes Boy Meets Fashion, and he introduced me to the lovely Emily – who could barely contain her excitement at having a bag named after her. ‘It’s so overwhelming, if I think about it I might cry,’ she giggled before being whisked away by the many people who wanted to congratulate her.

The bag itself is an oversized tote and is bigger than I expected. Perfect for lugging around all your blogger essentials or for an overnight trip, it features loads of handy compartments for holding all your different things. There is even a padded front pocket to hold your SLR, which I clearly need as I constantly bash mine about. The thing to do next was to check out the free photo booth as well as sample the delicious baked treats including mini pecan pies!

Visit Fashion Foie Gras as well as Coach’s own website for more information.

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